Sunday, June 3, 2012

IX. Crossing the Flexibility Bridge

IX. Crossing the Flexibility Bridge

                Note to reader: You probably need to go back and read earlier entries if you’re going to be able to make any sense out of this at all. Of course, after reading earlier entries, you might still not be able to make any sense out of it. In that case, I guess it’s not your bridge, so feel free to click another link.

                So: Here we are, still at the Ice Cream Stand. It feels like we’re just going around in circles, doesn’t it? Well, as the rule says, Life Isn’t Linear. (Rule # 11)

And once again they’re out of Hobblestone’s favorite flavor.  (What the hell’s going on with that Ice Cream Stand?) The family tensely awaits another Temper Tantrum, but Hobblestone surprises them. What does he do? I’ll tell what he does:

He whispers the phrase, “Shoo, Kitty!” to himself and then looks around to see if there is another flavor he might enjoy, just like The Cat looked around for another snoozing spot! WOW~ Flexibility Bridge successfully caught. All thanks to The Cat, with honorable mention to Aunt Millificent. 

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.  His parents were proud of him and raised their eyes to heaven and said “Thank you for Aunt Millificent!” –which was a very strange thing for them to do because Aunt Millificent was standing just a few feet away from them. (People who believe in God do that sometimes, figuring that it was God who sent that person to the rescue. Do you do that sometimes?) 

As I said, everyone was relieved, including Hobblestone’s life-long friend Harry. Aunt Millificent simply put a knowing smile on her face and winked at Hobblestone who gave her a grin that was dripping with Red Raspberry Ice Cream, running down his chin and unto his Pokemon t-shirt.  Harry looked at Hobblestone and said, “gross!”  (About Harry: Despite their friendship, sometimes Harry looked askance at some of the things Hobblestone would do or say. Do you have friends like that?)

Rule # 71: Friends sometimes look askance at what each other does. It’s okay.

Cats and dogs like to nap a lot.
Meanwhile, back at the house, Kitty was taking a nap. On the DOG! And no one was the wiser. (As I tend to say: “When the cat’s away, the mice will play. When the people are away, the cat will nap.” The same thing is also true about dogs.) 

We’ll leave The Cat to its nap and the people to their ice cream. Next time, I’ll have a few things to say about the “Shoo, Kitty!" game and what it might possibly mean for our own lives. After all, this blog isn’t only about Hobblestone. 

                In the meanwhile, go have yourself some ice cream or other reward, and don’t worry about the following: 1. Child labor in Asia.  2. Unconditional love.  3. The cost of milk these days.

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