Wednesday, August 1, 2012

XXII. "Rules" part one

XXII. The Rules So Far (first half)

                Somebody wrote me and asked if I had a list of the rules in numerical order. I decided that’s a good idea. And by the way, I like it when somebody writes me with an idea of question. I would also like it if someone would post a comment from time to time, but that isn’t happening yet. But it won’t hurt to ask, will it? I won’t make a Rule out of that because there are a lot of times when it would hurt to ask. Hobblestone learned all about that one day recently. I’ll tell you about it later. First, here is a list of all the Rules you’ve met so far. My goodness, there are a lot of them.

If you want to see any of these rules in context, you need to go back and read the blog from the beginning.

Rule # 1: The decisions we make cause changes in others’ lives as well.

Rule #2: There’s a configuration meant only for you.

Rule # 3: When we don’t know where a bridge is taking us, sometimes we just have to trust; other times we have to get off the bridge before it’s too late.

Rule # 4: When you block someone’s bridge you might do them harm. In fact, you might also do harm to yourself because you’ll miss out on the benefits the world will enjoy if the bridge you’re blocking manages to get crossed in spite of you.

Rule # 5: If you’ve never been “there,” or if you’ve never done “it”,let people know that before you start to bother them with your advice about it. In most cases, you’re probably better off not saying anything at all.

Rule # 6: Don’t take rules for granted. If possible, check them out to see if they’re true or valid, up-to-date or obsolete, and if your gut tells you whether or not they’re to be trusted. And apply this rule to this rule lest you be led astray.

Rule # 9: Good _________ takes time!

Rule # 10: One can have a lucrative job and yet continue to grow poorer in the things that Really Matter. 

Rule # 11: Life isn’t linear. 

Rule # 12: Sometimes you’re sowing seeds and you’re not even aware of it. 

Rule # 13: Just because you think it is so doesn’t mean that it actually is so. Opinions are not facts. 

Rule # 14: Sometimes you never know; you never really know. 

Rule # 15: When you don’t know, it’s better to keep silent. 

Rule # 16: We will only know what will happen when it happens. We have to just wait and see. 

Rule # 18: Be careful when you’re sowing seeds; you never know what they’ll grow up to become. 

Rule # 27: It’s ok to cry. Even if you’re grown up. Even if you’re a man. 

Rule # 34: When you write your own blog, you’re allowed to split infinitives whenever you want. 

Rule # 35: It is wise to find out how your teachers (or editors) feel about split infinitives before you go and split your own. 

Rule # 36: When you’re reading a book and you get stuck in a boring part, it’s okay to skip over it (unless it’s going to be on the test).  

Rule # 45: Sometimes it’s better when you decide to just be friends. 

Rule # 52: You’ll be better off if you don’t let yourself get distracted by trivial curiosities. 

Rule # 53: There are some things you can put off if you’re Not in the Mood. However, this rule hardly ever applies to firemen, policemen, emergency room doctors and nurses, and many others, including little boys who have been told For the Third Time to clean up their rooms or go to bed. 

Rule # 67. Life is a mystery. 

Rule # 68. You are a mystery. 

Rule # 69: Stop trying to figure out what can’t be figured out.

Rule # 70: We are often blind, even when we don’t realize it.

 I’ll give the rest of them next time. Now, think about writing me a note, ok?

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